Lachlan Henderson named new Cricket Australia chairman


As per the latest developments, Lachlan Henderson has been unanimously elected as the new chairman of Cricket Australia. He’ll take over the reins from Richard Freudenstein, who held the position on an interim basis. Notably, Freudenstein’s tenure saw Tim Paine and Justin Langer’s controversial exit as Test captain and coach respectively. Now, Henderson will hold the crucial position.

The group chief executive of Epworth HealthCare, Lachlan had played age-group cricket for Western Australia before turning into a medical practitioner. He joined Cricket Australia as a board member in 2018, having previously operated as the chairman of the Western Australia Cricket Association. Meanwhile, Earl Eddings was the last man to have operated as CA chairman on full-time basis. He quit in October last year as the board had to get Freudenstein on board.

Lachlan Henderson’s top priority would be ensuring sustainable future for cricket

“Dr Henderson, who will commence immediately, signalled his first priorities would be ensuring a strong, sustainable financial future for cricket, increased participation, particularly among girls and women, improved consultation with state and territory chairs and all stakeholders, and continuing to drive high standards of behaviour across the game,” read a statement released by Cricket Australia.

Meanwhile, Lachlan thanked CA directors and other officials after winning the election. “I would like to thank Richard, the other CA directors and the state chairs and boards for their support. It is a privilege and honour to be elected chair and serve our national sport. I’m really excited by the opportunities ahead,” said Lachlan.

“I’m looking forward to working closely with our states and territory cricket chairs and associations, the Australian Cricketers’ Association (ACA), our players and our partners, on how we unite and work together to ensure cricket continues to thrive into the future as Australia’s favourite sport. As chair, my aim is to ensure the integrity and growth of the game in Australia with strong governance embedded at Cricket Australia and reflected in all levels of cricket, from elite teams to community clubs,” he added.